Vorlage:ARCHIUM TEMPLATE format thorax clearance

Aus Artux
Version vom 12. Februar 2025, 15:08 Uhr von Archium (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „<!-- ARCHIUM_TEMPLATE_format thorax clearance --> <!-- Version 20250212--> <!-- outputs the given string inside an archium-ul div which we format with CSS --> <includeonly> {{#if:{{{clearance|}}} | <div class="archium-ul">{{{clearance|}}}</div> | }} </includeonly> <noinclude> <!-- CALL HOOKS --> {{ARCHIUM_TEMPLATE_hook|ARCHIUM_sabu}} <!-- LICENSE NOTE --> <!-- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Cargo/Storing_data Distributed under the te…“)
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